Available for rent, listed in ripening order: Fruiting Japanese (Ume), Royalty, Garden Annie, Katy, Harcot, Golden Amber, Chinese, Moorpark, Blenheim, Royal, Tilton, Montrose, Puget Gold, Autumn Royal.
3/4"+ Caliper Tree
- $11.99 per month, or 2 different varieties for $19.99 per month. (5 Month rental term required)
- Grown in a 10-11 Gallon decorative container, it's BIG about 19" x 15".
- Trees are about 48"+ tall, not including the roots. See the picture below, but please note, your tree will already have leaves on it. Some trees may be larger than 1" Caliper, and still the same price!
- One tree can produce enough fruit for a family of 3-4.
(Picture credit: L.E. Cooke Co.)
Medium to large, oval. Yellow skin with orange cheek. Pale orange, firm, juicy flesh. Quality similar to Royal/Blenheim. Valuable as fresh fruit, canning, or drying. Only late apricot known. Not recommended for climates with desert-like summer heat. (500 hours) Ripens: September.
Extremely popular. Medium to large. Skin soft yellow with orange cheek. Flesh pale orange, juicy; flavor delicious. Equally valuable for canning and drying. (400-500 hours) Ripens: Late June to Early July.
CHINESE (Mormon)
Medium. Golden. Firm and flavorful flesh. Sweet, edible pit. Heavy bearer. Frost resistant. Very cold hardy. (700 hours) Ripens: Late June to Early July.
Large. Light orange skin. Flesh firm, fine, melting. Excellent flavor. Has a prolonged progressive blooming period of almost thirty days and a similar ripening period. Pit burn resistant. (500 hours) Ripens: Mid-June to Mid-July.
Large. Yellow-orange skin. Sweet, juicy, rich flavor. One of the best. A new variety from Canada which has frost hardy late bloom. Resists brown rot and perennial canker. (700 hours) Ripens: Mid-June.
A great apricot for mild winter areas. Fruit is large and very flavorful. Good for fresh eating, drying, or canning. Freestone. Self-fertile. (350 hours) Ripens: June, 3-4 weeks before Royal.
Large. Yellow skin with red blush. Yellow flesh with sweet, juicy, excellent flavor. Very hardy. Frost resistant tree. From Montrose, Colorado. Vigorous and productive. Pit is sweet and edible. (800 hours) Ripens: Mid-July, about 2 weeks after Chinese.
Large. Brownish-red skin. Firm, highly colored flesh; rich luscious flavor. Favorite for fresh eating, preserves and pies. (600-700 hours) Ripens: Late June to Early July. Reminder: You can harvest apricots in June, July and September in many areas of the country.
Large, elongated fruit. Orange skin, orange flesh with very good flavor. Developed at Washington State University. Sets and sizes fruit in cool, frosty, spring weather where other varieties fail. (700 hours) Ripens: August.
Extremely popular. Medium to large, oval. Yellow skin with orange cheeks. Flesh pale orange, juicy; sweet, delicious flavor. Valuable for fresh fruit, canning, and drying. (400-500 hours) Ripens: Late June to Early July.
Extra large, oval-elongated. Yellow skin with orange cheek. Pale orange, firm, juicy flesh. Hardy with fruit set on heavy wood, making it desirable in areas where wind is a factor. Produces at a very early age. An outstanding large, self-fertile, early apricot. (700 hours) Ripens: Early June.
Very large, heart shape. Light orange skin. Firm, flavorful flesh. Bears heavy crop. A vigorous tree, resistant to late frosts. Excellent for freezing, canning and drying. (600-700 hours) Ripens: Late June to Early July. Ripens somewhat unevenly.
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