
Helpful Links

Northwest Berry & Grape Information Network
This website is sponsored by Oregon State University, University of Idaho, Washington State University and the USDA-ARS. It is geared for commercial growers in the Northwest, but still has a tremendous amount of information for the home grower.

Michigan Blueberry Facts
A website hosted by Michigan State University, devoted to blueberries.

Winepress.US Forums
A great forum for anything related to growing grapes and of course, wine making! I highly recommend joining.

The Mid-Atlantic Winegrape Grower's Guide
North Carolina State University published this PDF on growing grapes. It's 127 pages and completely FREE! I've read it cover to cover. You should too.

Cornell University's Fruit Website
It has information on just about anything related to fruit and berries, including organics.

Cornell Guide to Growing Fruit at Home
As the name implies, this PDF is designed specifically for the home grower. It's 100+ pages and completely FREE!

I'll be adding more links, so check back often! If you have any suggestions for websites, please let me know.

Clicking on the links opens a new browser window and takes you to a new website. I am not responsible for any content found on those websites.

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